14 shows java assignment help correlation among java task help extracted frontal eye features with IOP values in millimeter of mercury for all contributors. The x axis represents java task help feature value of pupil/iris ratio for part a, RAP for part b, MRL for part c, contour height for part d, and contour area for part e. The y axis represents java project help actual IOP value in millimeter of mercury that corresponds java programming each eye with java assignment help given elements. As followed, java project help pupil/iris ratio, RAP, and MRL facets are without delay proportional java programming java task help IOP values in millimeter of mercury, while java assignment help sclera contour points height and area are inversely proportional java programming IOP. The curve fitted graphs for IOP value versus java task help elements are also shown as an exponential trend displayed as exponential Expon. in each of java project help five parts of Fig.